The Department of Humanities plays a vital role in grooming the students. The department offers courses in Technical English-I and Technical English-II to First Year B.E. students. The department is unstintingly committed to its principles of imparting basic knowledge of English language and preparing the students to be successful as engineering professionals. The Humanities department strengthens the liberal education of students by developing a deepened understanding of language, the value of critical reading and effective writing. Besides Outcome Based Education, the department also inculcates Value Based Education.
To inspire students enrich soft skills and thereby enhance their employability skills.
To imbibe methods of active reading, careful analysis and critical thinking.
To maintain good linguistic proficiency among the students through accuracy in grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary.
To make students express ideas clearly and incisively through their oral and written communication.
The Department of Humanities comprises of two dedicated, experienced and efficient faculty members. The department focuses on imparting knowledge in Fundamental and Advanced Grammar, Vocabulary, Technical English, Phonetics and Communication Skills to cater to the needs of students to become competent in enhancing their basic skills of Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing (LSRW). The teaching methodology is regularly upgraded and aligned to meet the growing demands and the challenging trends of the modern-day corporate world.
Physical Education involves the learning of skills, the acquisition of knowledge and the development of attitudes through movement.The goal of physical education is to develop physically educated individuals who have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to enjoy a lifetime of healthful physical activity.